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Логотип: Евреи на карте Украины
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noman alam

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    • Dear Sir / Sirs
      I am a Pakistani, Living in Ukraine, I am a writer and a columnist for various pakistani , irani newspapers, some of my columns have been published in american newspapers as well.

      I have read, and reading Torah, Bible and Quran at a time, what i have come to know is that The Anti Jew propaganda in muslim countries has pushed them in backdoors and the nations like Paksitani, Iranian and Arabs have no knowledge about jews, Jews are too much close to islam by historical and cultural ties,just internal politicians use anti jewish propaganda to get to the parliaments, Let me write soemthing in favor of jews in your newspaper , it will be like a column or a short essay. I know i am going to take a step which will bring a lot of critism personally for me, but as an author, i must be fair with my fingers while writing.

      i wil be waiting your answer desperately,
      noman alam, kharkov , ukraine

  • 7 month ago by noman alam

1 ответ(ов)

  • Dear Norman,
    We have read your letter on our website with a big pleasure. We appreciate and share your opinion about Middle East peace.
    Unfortunately, we cannot help you with publishing essay on www.jews.in.ua because our resource is about the history of Jews in Ukraine and we not describe Middle East problems.
    I advise you to address this request to our friend, CEO & Founder в JewishNet - Jewish Social Platform (http://jewishnet.ru) Roman Gold.
    His e-mail is romangold@gmail.com; accounts in social networks www.facebook.com/romangold; http://vk.com/romangold.
    Thank you for your letter.

  • 7 month ago by Команда проекта "Евреи на карте Украины"

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